Recipients 2015

Robert Stacey
South Australia's Citizen of the Year
Northern Areas Council

Robert is a wonderful example of the importance of local voluntary contribution to improve facilities and accordingly the health and well-being of the community. He has made an extraordinary contribution to the Jamestown community- the two biggest achievements being the role he has played in establishing Belalie Lodge, a district home for the aged and the Jamestown Hydrotherapy Pool, a state of the art facility. Robert has served on the Board of Belalie Lodge for 27 years- most of them in leadership positions and the hydrotherapy pool was his brainchild and he has worked passionately on it from inception to completion.

He has also made significant contributions to other community organisations in the Jamestown area including the Football Club, Uniting Church , Hospital Board and Show Society.

His passion for working to improve and health facilities in Jamestown is based on his belief that regional areas should have the same access to health and well-being facilities as their city counterparts is an amazing example of what passion and hard work can achieve.

Daniel Spencer
South Australia's Young Citizen of the Year
City Of Mitcham

Five years ago Daniel put his university studies in music on hold to devote himself to his passion for the environment. Working with the Australian Youth Clime Coalition he has been a passionate campaigner and advocate for greener and cleaner energy solutions . This is most evident when be re-located to Port Augusta to campaign and advocate for solar thermal power plants replacing coal fired plants and took part in numerous activities to raise awareness and established working committees to organize and facilitate necessary advocacy and capacity for the Port Augusta community. This resulted in the Repower Port August Alliance consisting of many stakeholders including the local community, unions, environmental groups, non-government organisations and local businesses achieving a full feasibility study currently been undertaken,

Daniel has showed amazing dedication to his passion for the environment which has had significant impact on the Port Augusta community and the nation.

Tom Kruse Centenary Celebrations
Community Event of the Year
Clare & Gilbert Valley Council

The Waterloo Hall and Peak Body Committee have decided that it was important to recognise significant citizens of the area and accordingly conducted the Tom Kruse centenary celebrations to remember the famous outback mailman on the Birdsville track. The celebrations included unveiling of the new Tom Kruse commemorative panel, production of a documentary, book readings by author Kristin Weidenbach.for the public, and naming the new park and community shed, which the committee have played a key role in developing, after Tom Kruse. Not only was the event a great success in attracting hundreds of people to the area to remember Tom Kruse it also resulted in the establishment of community facilities and historical monuments that will benefit and educate the community for generations to come.


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